SMILE-75 Initiative Scheme 2022 |Smile 75 Scheme In Hindi

SMILE-75 Benefits & Objective | SMILE-75 Initiative Implementation Strategy, Key Points, and Official Website |

In order to provide incentives and rehabilitation services to all the beggars, who make money by begging. The government of India has taken a great initiative towards helping all beggars, they have announced the latest program which is called SMILE-75 Initiative. This program is basically launched on the 75th anniversary of the independence, on 15th August, and this program is launched by Ministry of social justice and empowerment, because we all know that poverty and beggary will never go away in our nation, so that this program has launched. Here in this article you will all the details regarding this program, reads it till the end.

SMILE-75 Initiative

Details About SMILE-75 Initiative

The Government of India has taken this SMILE-75 Initiative in order to provide incentive and rehabilitation to all the beggars. This program has been launched on the 75th Independence Day. Recognizing the ongoing problem of poverty and begging, the Government of India has formulated a comprehensive SMILE plan which includes a comprehensive rehabilitation sub-program for beggars that includes identification, rehabilitation, provision of services, doctors, counselling and education. Skills development for decent work and self-

नरेगा जॉब कार्ड नई लिस्ट 

employment/entrepreneurship, which is already shown, begging is gaining popularity in India, which has led to numerous illegal activities.This programme will going to change the face of India, and nobody have to beg to meet their fundamental rights.

Overview Details of SMILE-75 Initiative

Name of the SchemeSMILE-75
Launched year2022
Objective/AimRehabilitation of Beggars
Beneficiaries Beggars and transgenders
Official Website Will be announced soon

Objectives of SMILE-75 Initiative

The aim of SMILE-75 is to make our cities and communities beg-free and to develop acomprehensive rehabilitation strategy for those involved in begging through the coordinated action of various actors. The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment recognizes the important role of local city authorities, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations in addressing this ongoing social problem with a concerted effort.

SMILE-75 Initiative
Key Points of SMILE-75 Initiative

75 Local authorities, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders, will cover various comprehensive welfare measures for people involved in begging, with a general focus on rehabilitation, provision of medical facilities, counselling, awareness-raising, education, skills development, business links and convergence with other government welfare programs etc.

The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has allocated a total budget of Rs 100 crore for the SMILE project for the next few years to 2025-26.Homeless people and members of the transgender community have access to shelters called “Garima Greh” which provide them with access to food, clothing, recreational facilities, opportunities for skill development, recreational activities and medical care, among other things.

PM Samagra Swasthya Yojana

Under this program, each state will have a transgender shelter to oversee cases, investigate and prosecute crimes.To rescue and mobilize them, and it will be a comprehensive rehabilitation program for them. Through this project, the ministry plans to develop a support mechanism for the holistic rehabilitation of beggars and build an India where no one is forced to beg to survive and meet their basic needs.

Official Website of SMILE-75 Initiative

The official website of SMILE-75 will notified very soon.

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