The Bihar State Chief Minister Disabled Empowerment Scheme The Chief Minister of Bihar, Mr. Nitish Kumar has launched the Chief Minister Disabled Empowerment Scheme. All handicapped residents of the state of Bihar are receiving cash help under this scheme. In this article you get every information regarding this scheme such as objective, benefits, required documents, eligibility criteria Application procedure.
Bihar Chief Minister Disabled Employment Scheme 2023
Nitish Kumar, the chief minister of Bihar has introduced the Bihar Handicapped Empowerment Scheme. This program’s goal is to empower the disabled as its name indicates. This program has been put in place to provide the state of Bihar’s handicapped residents with education, employment and financial support.
मुख्यमंत्री डिजिटल हेल्थ योजना
The state government also makes many facilities available to the disabled under this scheme so they can provide for their education, employment and financial assistance there in accordance with their disabled proof. Under this scheme, a person who is more than 40% disabled is required to receive assistance of Rs.500 per month. The state’s handicapped population will receive a variety of services under this scheme from the Bihar government. The handicapped should have their level of living raised and be independent. They are able to become independent.
Overview of Bihar Chief Minister Disabled Employment Scheme 2023
Name of the Scheme | Bihar Chief Minister Disabled Employment Scheme 2023 |
Launched By | State Government of Bihar |
Beneficiary | Disabled Citizens |
Objective | Making all state’s handicapped citizens self-sufficient |
Application Mode | ____ |
Official Website | |
Objective of Bihar Chief Minister Disabled Employment Scheme 2023
The Chief Minister of Bihar has chosen to make all of the state’s disabled inhabitants self-sufficient since the state of Bihar has many disabled residents who are unable to work for themselves and are incapable of bearing any burdens. The Chief Minister Disabled Empowerment Scheme is being implemented for this program. Under this program all disabled residents of the state of Bihar are given 500 each month by the Bihar government, enabling them to take care of their own expenses and not rely on anyone else. The disabled can become independent on their own and numerous facilities are available to them as well as assistance.
Benefits of Bihar Chief Minister Disabled Employment Scheme 2023
Some of the benefits of this scheme is given below:
- The Chief Minister of Bihar has chosen to make all of the state’s disabled inhabitants self-sufficient since the state of Bihar has many disabled residents who are unable to work for themselves and are incapable of bearing any burdens.
- The Chief Minister Disabled Empowerment Scheme is being implemented for this program. Under this scheme, all disabled residents of the state of Bihar are given 500 each month by the Bihar government, enabling them to take care of their own expenses and not rely on anyone else.
- The disabled can become independent on their own and numerous facilities are available to them as well as assistance.
Eligibility Criteria
Some of the eligibility criteria of this scheme is given below:
- The handicapped person must live in bihar.
Required Documents
Some of the required documents of this scheme is given below:
- Passport size Photograph
- Aadhaar Card
- Income Certificate
- Identity Card
- Bank Details
- Handicapped Certificate
- Mobile Number
Applying Procedure of Bihar Chief Minister Disabled Employment Scheme 2023
- First you have to visit the Official Website of the Social Welfare Department.
- The homepage will appear on your screen.
- Click on the Apply Online button.
- The application form will appear on your screen.
- Enter all the required details in the application form.
- You have to upload all the necessary documents.
- Click on the submit button.
- Through this process, you can apply for this scheme.