Telangana One Time Settlement Scheme 2023 | Waives 90% Interest on Property Tax

Telangana One Time Settlement Scheme :- The Director of Municipal Administration and the Commissioner of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has announced the latest scheme which is called a Telangana One Time Settlement. If the Tax Holder pay the Tax amount with the interest of 10%. This scheme is created in order to provide relief to those tax arrears for those who struggle with tax. This programme will reject the 90% of collection arrears.

Telangana One Time Settlement

This Telangana One Time Settlement program will be implemented in campaign mode and will expire on October 21st. It applies to all local municipal authorities in the state, including the GHMC Authorities. A total of 90% of this interest/penalty would be deducted under this scheme. the future payments for individuals who have paid their entire property tax liability, including interest and penalties, through March 2022 within the current tax year.The Director of Municipality and the Commissioner of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation have announced the latest scheme called Telangana One Time Scheme. If the tax holder pays the tax amount with 10% interest. This plan was created to relieve tax arrears for those struggling with taxes. This program rejects 90% of backorders.

Telangana One Time Scheme 

Maa Bhoomi 

Benefits Of Telangana One Time Scheme

The scheme offers beneficiaries a one-time grant of Rs. 10,00,000/-, instilling a sense of financial security and hope for a brighter future. The Telangana government will ensure that recipients use the financial assistance wisely. This is a very good step taken by Telangana government by launching this scheme.

The GHMC Officer and the City Council Director have been directed by the MA&UD Department to promote the program and ensure that as many people as possible can get all relief &benefit from it. They are expected to speak to homeowners who have very high dues, text them, call them and publicize the program in print and electronic media.

IGRS Telangana

Telangana’s Urban Local Bodies Reached 1,999.24 Crores

The GHMC Commissioner and City Council Director have been tasked by the MA&UD Department to promote the program and ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from it. The GHMC Commissioner and the Director of Local Government are also said to have been concerned about the Rs 1994.24 crore owed for property tax arrears at all city local bodies including the GHMC. with property tax arrears.Exemption valid until fiscal year 2021-2022.

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